Relationship Boosters2022-09-01T16:19:04-05:00

Who’s Kingdom?

You knew what would make you happy. You had thought about it and made preparations for years. You had a mental checklist that was fulfilled by your spouse. You eagerly anticipated the life you always dreamed of—and hoped for. Then life happened. A baby's arrival years before anticipated. An unexpected financial hardship. A lingering medical condition. A life so busy [...]

By |July 1, 2014|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Reason to Continue

Everyone searches for hope. Everybody looks for a reason to continue. Everyone wants to know that what they give themselves to will prove to be worth it. The things we say and do are rooted in deeply ingrained thoughts and desires. We are all on a lifelong treasure hunt. Your treasure may not be my treasure, but we're both treasure [...]

What did you expect?

For the next several months our posts will be based on the book "What did you expect?", by Paul David Tripp. It's the best book I've read for addressing why we struggle at times in our marriage, and not simply how to fix it. As we center our lives in Christ first, our marriage will align with God's intended purpose [...]

Be careful what you say

As marriage mentors, Sharon and I have witnessed couples that had some pretty toxic patterns of communication. Their discussions were dominated by insults, accusations, put-downs, sarcasm, and contempt for each other. In fact, we would have to encourage them to find good things to say to each other. While that may be an extreme example, most of us—including Sharon and [...]

By |April 1, 2014|Communication, Conflict Resolution|0 Comments

Connecting With Your Spouse Through Prayer

by Sharon Peterson Do you want to feel more connected to your spouse?  Try praying together on a consistent basis.  Russ and I don’t have a set time to pray each week but we do pray together often.  It really makes us feel closer to each other and to God. When you pray together it will unite your spirits, which [...]

By |March 1, 2014|Spiritual Life|0 Comments

What’s love got to do with it?

Here in the midwest, we have been experiencing a colder-than-average winter—some days setting new records for cold. February's bleak and dreary weather has little to offer with the exception of two things—the Super Bowl (and the parties that come with it), and Valentine's Day. And since connecting marriage and the Super Bowl would be a stretch, even for me, let's [...]

By |February 1, 2014|Love & Relationships, Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

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