Better Than Roses & Chocolates
As Valentine's Day approaches once again, you can almost smell the panic in many husbands and boyfriends knowing that their wives or girlfriends are wanting—and in many cases—perhaps even expecting something special to happen that day. I have a certain disdain for these “Hallmark” holidays contrived to sell more greeting cards, chocolates, and flowers than you can imagine. They [...]
What did you expect?
"I just didn't think it would be like this, " Mary said. She looked completely exhausted and defeated. Sam just looked angry. He didn't want to be with me talking about his marriage to Mary. In fact, if the truth be told, he didn't want to be married to Mary. He'd had i! "Fifteen years—fifteen years!—and this is what [...]
Fresh Starts
Here we go again. It's that time of the year when many of us reflect on the past year—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and resolve to do better this year. Maybe you had a great year that exceeded your expectations. This is a great time to give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed on you. But, [...]
Where’s your joy?
Recently, my wife Sharon and I pulled out all the Christmas stuff to start transforming the decor of our home from Fall to Christmas. Turkeys were replaced by jolly Santas, and Fall leaves gave way to evergreens and the scent of pine. A big part of our yearly Christmas tradition has been going to cut down our Christmas tree [...]
A Higher Purpose
Sometimes marriage can be hard. Sometimes marriage can be painful. Sometimes that pain and hardship can lead you to entertain thoughts of escape—to distance yourself from your spouse (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally) and the hard work necessary to maintain a marriage of love, unity, and understanding. When I'm in this place, it's a red flag for me to [...]
Worship, Work, and Grace
This month we conclude our examination of Paul David Tripp's book, "What did you Expect?" by finishing Commitment 6: We will work to protect our marriage. So, what is it that produces a marriage of unity, understanding, and love? This kind of marriage is the result of a lifelong commitment to daily marital work and deep trust in God's [...]
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