Relationship Boosters2022-09-01T16:19:04-05:00

An Enduring Love

Last month we talked about being a God-centered spouse instead of a spouse-centered spouse. We saw how our focus determined everything in our marriage relationship. Were we focused on God or our spouse? This month we are going to elaborate a bit more on that concept and see how a God-centered focus can lead to an enduring love for our [...]

By |May 1, 2009|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Busting the Myths of a Christian Marriage

Most of us entered marriage holding onto certain beliefs about what a christian marriage is supposed to be. Whatever those beliefs are—good or bad—determines how we function as a couple. Some of those beliefs might be based on false teaching, input from friends or family, T.V. and movies, or even our own misinterpretation of scripture. If you've gone through our [...]

By |March 1, 2009|Real Life|0 Comments

Decoding The Language of Sex

It's that time of the year again. Whether we like it or not, Hallmark and a host of other stores turn our attention to the day when we celebrate and (try to) engage in romance. That's right, I'm talking about Valentine's Day. A day where women look forward to a romantic dinner by candlelight, intimate conversation, flowers and chocolate and [...]

By |February 1, 2009|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

Tips to spark the romance in your marriage

I was never one to get caught up in the whole "New Years Resolutions" thing. If I needed to change something, it didn't seem to make sense to wait until New Years to finally make a commitment. You just do it when its needed. However, sometimes we need that extra motivation to take the steps we know are necessary to [...]

By |January 1, 2009|Marriage Enrichment|0 Comments

20 Memorable Christmas Traditions

Thanksgiving is in the rear-view mirror, and we are already getting in the Christmas spririt. Every year we go cut down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksiving, stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch on the way home, then put up the decorations and trim the tree. Finally, we watch a classic Christmas movie together (hot chocolate optional). These are [...]

By |December 1, 2008|Real Life|0 Comments

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