What Makes a Marriage Work?
This month we're going to look at some myths about marriage and what really makes a marriage work. A couple years ago I wrote a 12-part blog series on Dr. John Gottman's classic book about marriage relationships, "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work." This month's Relationship Booster is an excerpt from one of those blog entries. [divider] Exploding Some [...]
A Record of Rights
If you've been married for any length of time, its not uncommon to find some things that your spouse says or does annoying. It seems that the longer you are married, the longer the list can get. The challenge is to keep your focus on the positive things your spouse does and not keep a "record of wrongs". Sharon and [...]
8 Love Lessons, Part 2
This month we continue to examine "8 Love Lessons" to help define genuine love in our marriages as we look at Part 2 of last month's article. While these are most likely things you have heard before, it doesn't make them any less significant. I know I need regular reminders to love the way Christ loves—and these are excellent reminders [...]
8 Love Lessons, Part 1
With Valentines Day celebrated on the 14th day of this month, February is arguably the month that solicits more thoughts and actions regarding love and romance than at any other time of the year. It seemed appropriate therefore to take a closer look at what love is, and isn't—to learn the counterfeit from the real thing. This month's post gives [...]
When Good Is Not Good Enough
As a new year begins, many people reflect on the past year to evaluate how their year went. As 2010 was coming to a close, Sharon and I came to realize that our relationship was suffering from neglect among other things. If you are not intentional about cultivating your relationship, it will naturally settle into mediocrity—or worse. We had a [...]
Taking the ‘I’ Out of Marriage
We are officially entering the "season of giving". It somehow seems easier during Christmas season to put other's needs before our own and be generous in our giving. We need that same selfless attitude everyday in our marriages if we want to fulfill Christ's purpose for marriage—displaying to a watching world the same selfless love Christ has for His bride, [...]
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