The Two Kinds of Marital Conflict
It's a new year with a clean slate...or is it? Do you experience the same conflicts over and over again seemingly making little or no progress to resolve them? Your not alone. Sharon and I have several conflicts like these that pop up with way too much regularity. Despite our best efforts to change, we end up going over the [...]
Principle 4: Letting Your Partner Influence You
How important do you think it is to allow yourself to be influenced by your spouse? Men, is being a strong spiritual leader to your family mean that you have all the answers and that you don't need any help from your wife? Women, are you receptive to your husbands suggestions, or do you think he is as inept as [...]
Principle 3: Turning Toward Each Other Instead of Away
Back in September we looked at how fueling your fondness and admiration for each other was one of the most cricial elements in a rewarding and long-lasting romance. This month, we will examine Dr. Gottman's 3rd Principle for making your marriage work. If you view Hollywood's formula for romance as the standard and have consistently fallen far short, I have [...]
Principle 2: Nurturing Your Fondness and Admiration
Just in case anyone noticed, we skipped our August newsletter last month. It's been a little crazy in our house lately. We had one daughter get married and another have her first baby—which makes us first-time grandparents! With all the craziness that goes with those events, we decided to take a month off and relax. Now that we're rested and [...]
Principle 1: Enhancing Your Love Maps
Last month we looked at 6 signs that you may have trouble in your marriage. This month we continue our series on Dr. John Gottman's classic book about marriage relationships, "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" and look at his first principle for making marriage work. How well do you know your spouse? Whether you've meen married 6 months [...]
6 Signs of Trouble in Your Marriage
Last month we looked at some myths about marriage and what really makes a marriage work. This month we continue our series on Dr. John Gottman's classic book about marriage relationships, "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" and examine six signs that you may be having trouble in your marriage. When predicting if a couple will divorce, or stay [...]
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