Staying Curious Let’s call it what it is, life is tough right now. We’re still trying to learn our new normal, adjust to working from home, figure out virtual visits, and experiencing a lot of change…
5 Ways to show you’re really listening Are you even listening to me?! Have you ever been on the receiving end of this question? It’s not a great feeling. You might feel like you’re justifiably…
3 Ways Empathy Transforms Your Marriage Some people are natural empaths. They feel what others are feeling without even trying, even people they’ve just met. Most of us have to work at empathy a little more…
3 Steps to Being More Assertive in Your Marriage Ahh, the kids are in bed and you’ve just settled into your favorite spot on the couch for a Netflix session with your spouse. Now, what to watch? You scroll and scroll…
Mastering the Art of Apologizing When you hurt someone with words or actions, it’s not always easy to say the words, “I’m sorry.” At the same time, there is nothing more frustrating than the feeling…
Questions About Communication My wife says that listening is the most important part of good communication …
Hints for Doing a Better Job Communicating No one likes to be nagged. Yet many parents resort to nagging as a primary – though negative – way to communicate their feelings and desires with family members…
Blocks to Successful Communication in Marriage The trait that is most closely linked to the success or failure of your marriage is your ability to communicate.
Building Better Communication Through Affirmation If you’re looking for an easy way to improve communication in your marriage, I’ve got one for you…
Conflict Resolution
Tips for Resolving Confict in Your Marriage All marriages have problems. Knowing how we solve our problems will give us a much better handle on our goal, which is to create warmth and intimacy as well as…
Emotional Issues
What’s Your Fear Factor? Once you find your safety zone as a couple,you can eliminate what we call your personal fear factor…
How Self-Care Can Improve Your Marriage In order to get back to the place of making your marriage a top priority you will have to take the necessary steps, and work through some issues. You may or may not…
Moving Past Your Past All of us are shaped by our memories…
Exploring Your Emotional Baggage Your psychological perspective on your past determines, to a great extent, your personal health and vitality…
Especially For Men
6 Things Gals Wish Men Knew About Women Men, here is your opportunity to get some insight into how your wife thinks, and what she would like you to know about her.
The 5 Myths of Masculinity Research demonstrates that a man’s brain is different than his female counterpart’s. Men process information differently. Partially because of these differences…
Especially for Women
10 Things Guys Wish Women Knew About Men It is likely no surprise to you that God has wired women and men differently. We all recognize some of these differences…
The Truth About the 8 Kinds of Lies Women Believe According to Nancy Leigh DeMoss, women often fall prey to lies that can be destructive to their lives, and to their family as well…
Dealing with the Five Most Common Ways Couples Disagree About Money Most of us have had the occasional heart-to-heart talk with our spouse over family finances…
Marriage Humor A top-ten list for husbands and wives you won’t want to miss!
Love, Lies, and Toothpaste “Did you use my toothpaste?” Steve, the guy I was dating hastily emerged from the bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of the side of his mouth…
Traffic-Stopping Memories You might say our family does things a little “differently.” We approach life with the “you only live once” mentality, especially when it comes to…
What I Love About Bill When we moved into our new neighborhood, I immediately noticed the yard at the beginning of the street. The house was fine but that yard! It looked just like…
VIDEO Communication in Marriage (funny)
Love & Romance
Why Dating Your Spouse is Good for the Whole Family Life these days moves at a pretty hectic pace. And, in all honesty, I don’t think that’s a good thing. But what concerns me more than just the busyness of life…
Drifting In Your Marriage or Connected? I walk our golden retriever most days early in the morning at the Dana Point Harbor near our home. Recently, “Hobie” and I were strolling along the water and an older couple was walking toward me holding hands. They looked so very happy…
What Makes a Marriage Good There is no such thing as a perfect marriage. All marriages have problems. But, problems between spouses do not necessarily equate having a bad marriage…
Rekindling Romance in Your Marriage Can I be perfectly honest with you? Romance doesn’t come naturally to me. Physical intimacy absolutely does. But romance—that’s another story…
10 Creative Tips for Reconnecting with Your Spouse Far too many marriages are disconnecting because two people who were very much in love have distanced themselves because of good intentions…
10 Tips for Treating Your Spouse Like Royalty Here are ten tips for maintaining the “magic” between you and your spouse.
6 Keys to a Better Marriage Today Whether you’ve been married six weeks or 26 years, you know that there’s more to making a great marriage…
Keeping the Spark in Your Marriage Alive It has often been said that the best thing you can do for your children is to love your spouse.
The Love List Eight Little Things That Make a Big Difference.
Managing Your Marriage
Common Marriage Time Bandits There are literally dozens of time bandits walking off with time…
Why Daily Devotions for Couples Often Fail Every couple has a restless aching, not just to know God individually but to experience God together.
Prime Time: Maximizing the Minutes That Matter Most A Few “Mundane” Moments Worth Mentioning…
Marriage Mentoring
What is Marriage Mentoring? In every culture throughout human history, mentoring has been the primary means of passing on knowledge and skills.
The Fine Art of Marriage Mentoring Marriage mentoring is one of the most significant helps to building a life-long marriage we know of.
Sexual Issues
10 Good Ways to Work at Sex When a young couple begins their life together as husband and wife, they usually don’t spend too much time talking about their sexual knowledge…
VIDEO Sex, Marriage, & Fairytales Check out this rap/poem that is right on with its message.